Sunday, December 12, 2010

winter house

Yesterday we had one of the grandest blizzards this city has (probably) ever had. I couldn't do any Christmas shopping or errand running or anything that required moving out of a single room!
Watercolor, gouache and ink on 300 lb cold press

My scanner isn't hooked up, hence the funfetti table photo.
Also a blizzard production: the Metrodome caved in. Y'know. Again.


Tiffany said...

This is delightful. I like the "stormy" feeling it has. Great choice of colors.

Lindsay Nohl said...

Super Cute! Looks cozy in there :)

Chris P said...

Lovely house! Very homey, and cozy feeling.
and yes, the blizzard was something eh?
When one thinks "Minnesota Snow", this is exactly what i envision; it's both irritating and fantastic at the same time!
cursed snow, stop making Minnesota Awesome!