Saturday, June 6, 2009

under the name, not the house

Fugue's revised design:


His hair is different, though it still seems I'm just skirting a narrow path around his older self's hairstyle.
Aside from the fact that it is a redesign, I was happy to do this one because it was an opportunity to show off their uniforms in color.


Katy Farina said...

If.... if I make you those gloves, you have to wear them all the time. >_> *totally loves them*

I've noticed a few very subtle changes in your style lately~ It looks nice! :D

Francesca said...

Thank you! I'm experimenting.

I don't know if this came across properly, but all of those yellow/white bands glow. They're energy strips, and they're used in flying. Flying a carpet, that is : ).

Katy Farina said...

I don't know if you knew this, but I'm a master at crafting magical clothes.


No but seriously I'll make them and they'll glow. *adds to list of clothes to make*

Jesus, I have so many outfits that my friends have designed for their characters. >.> I feel like a COMPLETE WEIRDO for it, but it's not my fault you guys make such awesome stuff!!