Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Transpose Operator: work in progress

I feel kinda blech for not posting in awhile, so here's a digital painting I started yesterday. Lately I've been trying to figure out website coding garbage, and doing something like this in between bouts of frustration and hair pulling keeps my tiny bit of sanity in check.


The characters are from my friend Roxy's comic, which I will plug without shame : ) . It's a sci-fi fantasy story about a girl named Karin, who wakes up in one messed up hospital. It has creepy eye-mask people, which is reason enough to read it, as they are *creepy*.
I owe her at least a piece of fanart, so here's the start of that.

Poor Cleo (girl on the left). She looks like she's missing a leg : I .

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Have some winter for the summer

Here ya go.
Still working with Painter and trying out different things. So far, my favorite part is that you can save a little tool box of your chosen brushes. It speeds things up a lot as well as adds diversity in mark making. Not that you'd be able to tell it here : / .


Quent and Myranda, for reference. Been listening to a lot of classical music lately.